
4 Tips to Tuneup Your Garage Door this Spring – Part 2

In Part 1 of 4 Tips to Tuneup Your Garage Door this Spring, we talked about the importance of keeping your garage door and door opener operating smoothly and safely, and we looked how to inspect both for problems. Here are three more tips to keep your garage door operating at peak efficiency this summer. 1. Check that The Door’s Safety Systems are Working Your garage door is probably equipped with two safety systems. One stops the door and reverses it if the door strikes anything while it is closing. The other, the safety sensors, stops and reverses the door […]

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4 Tips to Tuneup Your Garage Door this Spring – Part 1

You do it for your car, so why not for your garage door and garage door opener? Every spring, you start thinking about taking the car in for a tuneup, rotate the tires, oil and lube, check the brakes, and anything else needed to keep it running safely and smoothly. What most people don’t realize is that their garage door can benefit from some of the same TLC. And you don’t even have to drive it to your mechanic’s shop. A spring tuneup for your garage door and opener helps to keep it running smoothly for longer, helps you avoid […]

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What Will a New Garage Door Mean to You?

So when’s the last time you got a new garage door? Have you ever had a new garage door installed? Considering you’ve found your way to the blog of a garage door repair and installation service guessing, if you have ever had a door installed, it was a very, very, very long time ago. (to get an idea of time, each ‘very’ can easily represent 10 years!). On one hand, that’s great news, because it means your new door will probably last a long time. But on the other hand, having potentially never shopped for and has a new door […]

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4 Ways to Make Your Garage More Environmentally Friendly

How many things have you done to make your home and garage more environmentally friendly? Probably more than you think to your home. That’s because the added bonus of changes to make your home ‘greener’ is that you also save money in energy costs and fewer maintenance and repair costs for your heating and air conditioning equipment. But most homeowners don’t take similar steps to make their garages more environmentally firendly and energy efficient. In a way, that’s odd because garages can be among the biggest sources of energy waste in the home. While they can be as cold as […]

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What a Difference a Door Makes on the Appearance of your Home

We’re always talking about the fact that a garage door can account for a third of the overall appearance of your home. It’s something that can be difficult to understand or appreciate when you see the door every day, lift it, lower it, walk under it. In other words, like anything else that’s a big part of your life, it’s difficult to have an objective view of your garage door and how it affects the appearance of your home. So we thought we’d take a look at a few garage door ‘before and after’ shots to give you an idea […]

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How an Insulated Garage Door Helps You Around the House

That’s a bit of an odd title for a blog post, eh? What could having an insulated garage door possibly have to do with ‘helping you around the house’? It’s not like it’ll do the vacuuming for you. But, when you look at what an insulated garage door does for you, versus an uninsulated door, you’ll see how it actually helps you get things done or avoid doing things you might consider a regular chore. 1. Keeps Your Home Cleaner It’s been yet another cold winter here in Whitby. As you huddle inside to stay warm, you might decide to […]

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What to Do If You Crash Your Car Into Your Garage Door

It can happen in the middle of winter when you hit a patch of ice as you approach pull into the driveway. It can happen in the middle of summer when your car lurches as your garage door opens. It can happen. The important thing is what to do after you hit your garage door with your car. Even if it seems like there’s not much damage to your door, it can be worse than it looks. And if your car has somehow connected to the door, moving it can cause more damage to the door and your car. Table […]

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3 Places to Find Inspiration for Renovating Your Garage

If you’re the type of homeowner who doesn’t renovate or redecorate as often as others, it’s might not be for lack of desire. Many people have a difficult time deciding on a direction for their renovation/redecoration projects, or even knowing what’s possible, and they end up putting it off until some sort of inspiration strikes them. One of he problems is that many of the places we look for ideas, like architectural magazines and websites, don’t always show homes like the ones we live in. That makes it difficult to know if and/or how the idea will work in our […]

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How Keeping Your Old Garage Door Might Cost You More Than Installing a New One

First, season’s greetings and best wishes for a happy 2018 from all of us here at Whitby Garage Doors! If you haven’t replaced your old garage door for a long time, you might not be aware of two important facts. First, new doors are surprisingly more affordable than most people think. Second, if you haven’t researched them recently, there are probably more benefits to them than you think. Why are those two points so important? Because they can add up to mean that it might cost you more money to keep your old door instead of installing a new one. […]

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Why It’s a Good Idea to Keep Your Garage Door Closed

In a way, there’s only two times when you would keep your garage door open: when the engine’s on in the car and when you’re working in and around the garage. Otherwise, it’s best to keep your garage door closed. Of course, it’s your home and you could leave your garage door open for as long as you like. But the more you do the more risk you face. Even idling vehicles left unattended to warm up in an open garage are a temptation that a car thief can’t resist. But having your car stolen, whether it’s idling or not […]

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